In 2004, Children’s Fund money was allocated to a group of Folkestone schools to support young people who had been waiting for counselling services. A counselling service was established on Church Street, next to St. Eanswythe’s School.
The school was impressed by the counsellor’s expertise and the variety of therapies offered. However, the funding eventually ran out, leaving many children unable to complete their counselling sessions. In response, the school covered the cost of completing the children’s counselling, giving them time to secure additional funding.
With support from the Kent Community Foundation, we were able to continue our work, and thus, The Church Street Project was born. In 2006, we became a registered charity. When our original premises were sold, the Creative Foundation helped us relocate to suitable spaces, first on Tontine Street and later on The Old High Street.
We have always aimed to remain grassroots, approachable, visible, and deeply connected to the community. As part of our engagement, we host the Sunny Sands Sandcastle Competition – an event that reflects our use of sand and sand trays as therapeutic tools.
While we are officially a charity serving the Folkestone and Hythe District, the majority of our clients come from the Folkestone area. We are committed to continuing our work, offering a range of creative therapies to provide clients with meaningful choices and support.